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4 Tips To Get Back Into Shape After the Holidays

#1. Start Small

So everyone is super motivated at the beginning of the year to change their life and you tell yourself this year will be different. I actually will get into a good work out routine and lose the weight I’ve been saying I wanted to lose every year. I see it all the time, new people who come into the gym and spend 2 hours there doing every conceivable exercise possible only to get discouraged after a few weeks not seeing the results they were hoping for. I have great news! You DON”T have to spend 2 hours a day in the gym 5 plus times a week to see results. If you’re new to working out or just been out of it for some time then take baby steps. You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. It’s a process. You didn’t gain all that weight overnight and you can’t lose it overnight either. Start off with 20 minutes in the gym 2-3 times a week is better than one session which lasts for 2 hours. Split it up and ease your body back into it. You'll get there I promise!

#2. Set Attainable/Realistic and SMART Goals

You will not lose 50 lbs in one month nor will you go from walking a mile in 20 minutes to running a mile in 7 minutes. By setting unrealistic goals you are only setting yourself up for failure and discouragement. Success comes gradually over time with consistency and it takes time. Small victories are still victories. Maybe you have to stop 4 times to catch your breath while jogging a mile but after a few weeks you only have to stop 2 times. That’s a victory and you are better than you were before. Or maybe you can only do 30 seconds of the abdominal exercise in your fitness class before fatigue sets in, but after about a month you can now do an entire minute. Success! Follow this chart to help you set goals:

#3. Do NOT Step on the Scale Every Day

Here is where many people set themselves up for failure. They work out for 1 week and then they weigh themselves. Once they see no movement on the scale, or maybe just a pound or two difference, they throw in the towel. Or worse they may gain a pound and then they get frustrated and think it’s not working. Muscle weighs more than fat and you are going to build muscle if you work out. It’s a given. Try to give yourself at least a month (I know it’s hard) before stepping on the scale. This will give you time to see real results and then adjust your work out accordingly. Instead of going just by weight, measure yourself. You are most likely to lose inches before pounds anyways. Go in your closet and pick out something you don’t feel comfortable wearing. Maybe a pair of jeans that are too tight to button or that dress you used to be to zip up in the back. Use that as your measuring tool and one day down the road when that fits you’ll feel accomplished.

#4. Don’t Diet, Eat Smart

Forget measuring out servings, counting calories based on nutritional fact charts. Start simple, eat smart. Eat less (or no) fast food, eating out, processed foods, frozen dinners, and sugary drinks. You know what’s good and what’s bad for you. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, eat more salad, eat CLEAN. Feeling more hungry? Eat an apple or drink a protein shake or have some mixed nuts. Eat very well during the week and when you can control it so when the weekend comes you can indulge in what you really enjoy. For me it’s pizza and wine. I’m not saying I go crazy and blow my entire diet in one day…but if I want that cookie I know I’m going to have to work for it.

Never Quit. It’s just that simple. Never, ever, under any circumstance quit. It’s not an option, success is your only possible outcome.

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